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Tag: Bedroom Decoration

58 posts

5 Types of New Beds to Choose from for Your Décor

Beds are not a straightforward category of furniture at all. There are at least 5 types of new beds that speak differently to different types of décor and different ranges of budget.  When in search of a bed for the bedroom, you’ve got to be very mindful about the ambience in your bedroom and the […]

3min read
Mar 27, 2021
Interior Bedroom

Are you Sleeping Comfortably?

Read on to know about what makes a great Pillows and Mattress

4min read
Apr 26, 2018
6 Things to Remove and Declutter Your Wardrobe

6 Things to Remove and Declutter Your Wardrobe

As things get added to your wardrobe because you buy more stuff or get a lot of gifts from your loved ones, we know that you’d want to keep it all tidy and accessible. Decluttering is the solution. But the first step to decluttering is knowing what you can afford to remove from your wardrobe. […]

4min read
May 24, 2021

How the Good Mattress Can Help You Sleep Better

A good mattress is something of prime importance in ensuring you get undisturbed sleep. With work-life boundaries blurring day by day, you’d want to safeguard your sleep time better. 51% Indians retire to bed quite late – between 11 pm and 1 am. 16% of Indians studied believe they have insomnia.  While there are many causes […]

3min read
Feb 1, 2021

How to Stock Your Wardrobe to Dress for All Occasions (For Men & Women)

Do you often worry about what to wear for an occasion? Like in the office, you dress the smartest but find yourself awkward at an office party? Do you have to rush to the shopping mall at a short notice and pick up whatever is available because, well, there’s no time to think? Do you […]

4min read
Dec 28, 2020
sleep well, bed that ensures sleep, comfortable bed, snorah jones,

New Durian Bed Has a 100% Record of Putting You To Sleep

In the month of January, Durian had commissioned a top secret project that has now resulted into what an eminent scientist (name withheld) has described as, ‘This century’s most noble technological breakthrough. After Snapchat.’ In the month of January, Durian had commissioned a top secret project that has now resulted into what an eminent scientist […]

2min read
Apr 2, 2017
Get Your Wardrobe Monsoon-Ready in 8 Steps

Get Your Wardrobe Monsoon-Ready in 8 Steps

Monsoon is a scary time for expensive, delicate clothes. It’s a messy time to care for them too. In this blog, we help you learn about how to get your Wardrobe Monsoon-ready in 8 steps. 8 steps to organize your wardrobe in monsoon season     Segregate your clothes. Identify the clothes you’d need to […]

3min read
Jun 8, 2021
Sofa Online

What Makes a Sofa

Read on to know what are the main factors that truly make a sofa.

3min read
Jun 12, 2017
4 Best Amazing Wardrobe Designs for Your Sophisticated Décor

4 Best Amazing Wardrobe Designs for Your Sophisticated Décor

We understand that modern homes are incomplete without modular wardrobe solutions. Applying our expertise in great quality, smart design, and sophisticated aesthetics to adding comfort to modern homes, we bring to you modular wardrobes. We delight you with 4 classic designs that will appeal to the lover of simplicity in you.  1. The Good Old […]

3min read
Apr 19, 2021
Why Wink Mattresses Are Worth Your Investment Right Now

Why Wink Mattresses Are Worth Your Investment Right Now

This time of lockdown, when we spend all the time at home, it’s a great idea to pay attention to our health, especially healthy sleep. How about buying a new mattress? Sleeping comfortably curled up on the new mattress would be such an amazing experience. But there are several branded and non-branded options out there. […]

3min read
Oct 31, 2020