As people gradually begin going back to their normal routines, a huge part of their lifestyle will undergo certain drastic changes. Health and hygiene will become the top-most criteria of concern. Besides making masks and gloves a part of our daily attire, keeping all the materials and surfaces around us clean would also be high on our priority list.

Be it at the workplace or at home, each and every item has to be cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis. It indeed is a hectic task and hence we need to put in some smart work rather than the usual hard work.

Each and every item requires to be cleaned following a specific procedure. The properties of a particular material/ surface decide how we should go about with the cleaning procedure accordingly.

There are 2 ways you can get stuff cleaned:

1. Using a mixture of soap and water
2. Using vacuum cleaner
In order to implement the same, ensuring the safety of both our employees and the customers, we at Durian have come up with this detailed guide that will simplify this tedious process for you.

This blog gives a step-by-step manual for cleaning the different materials and surfaces using both soap-water mixture and vacuum cleaner. Give it a read and feel free to adapt it according to your needs for further convenience.

1. Cleaning with a mixture of soap and water

A simple mixture of dish-soap with hot water is one of the most commonly used solutions for cleaning.

You can clean a variety of materials and surfaces using this solution. For example:

  • Plastic, Wood and Metal
  • Glass and Mirror
  • Office chair (non-upholstered part)
  • MDF/Prelam/Laminates
  • Pantry
  • Mess


Course of Action

Mix hot water (500 ml) with dish soap (1 tbsp) in a spray bottle.
Spray the solution on the surface to be cleaned.
Take a hand-cloth and wipe it dry.
Leave the surface to be air-dried for some time before disinfecting or using it.

You can replace the hand cloth with a scrubber for better results for cleaning things like:

  • Water tanks
  • Sinks
  • Railings
  • Washrooms

2. Cleaning Using  A Vacuum Cleaner

There are a number of materials and surfaces which collect dust over a very short span of time and hence need to be cleaned very often. Though water is one of the most common agents required for the process of cleaning, there are certain materials that cannot be cleaned using water. Machines like vacuum cleaners are great replacements for it.

Materials and surfaces that can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner:


Course of Action

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to thoroughly clean the materials and surfaces.
  • After vacuuming, use a piece of cloth to dust off the remaining particles to prevent residue collection.

We hope this guide helps you with your cleaning sessions. The only way to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus is by strictly following the rules of health and hygiene. With these simple steps, we can maintain both. Let us know what sanitizing routine have you been following lately.